
Skin thickening is a natural, protective phenomenon. UVB radiation increases the number and thickness of the stratum corneum. Upon repetitive exposure, less and less UVB responsible for erythema reach the dermal papilla and genetic material is protected from mutagenesis.

Thickness means less suppleness: dry and stiff skin. Here are a few tips to avoid this unpleasant drawback of a fine time in the sun:

  • Desquamate: exfoliating regularly (once a week; be careful to not do more for sensitive/ reactive skin types) will let the skin
    • Oxygenate
    • Smooth
    • Accelerate cellular renewal
      => Hint: it is preferable to not exfoliate before exposure to the sun. Skin needs time to regenerate (count a couple of days between a deep scrub and the beach).
  • Apply moisturizing and regenerating skin care products. By now you will understand the importance of properly hydrating scrubbed and cleansed skin. Our Algamais certified organic After-Sun products soothe redness caused by the sun. Use it on the face and the body to relieve and moisturize. With our unique and performant antioxidant, Alga-gorria, the Algamaris After-Sun lotion helps to alleviate the negative effects of the sun’s rays, even after exposure.

We can never say it enough: to stay hydrated you need to drink lots of water and respect a well-balanced nutrition. It is recommended to drink 1.5 l of water a day, and to favour food rich in fatty acids and omega (3 and 6) oils: fish, nuts, almonds, sunflower oil, colza..

Click here to find out all about our After-Sun Lotion here